Consumers looking for solutions to their health concerns need to understand the differences. Not all hemp derived products are created equal! There is a significant difference in Hemp Oil and CBD Oil. This video can help understand a few ways to spot fraudulent products.
This video is not meant to vilify Amazon, but rather to educate consumers about the potentially misleading information contained in listings for “Hemp” based products. These listings imply they contain CBD, but they often do not. Many of these products have false and misleading information in their descriptions. Since Amazon does not allow the sale of CBD products on their site (which they have every right to do), listings are profiting from the consumer’s assumption that all Hemp derived products contain beneficial cannabinoids like CBD.
Amazon doesn’t have to allow CBD products on their site. They have the right to disallow anything they want. But for them to profit off misleading consumers who are interested in the benefits of the very product they deny them access to – well, you be the judge.
When you are looking for quality CBD products, Amazon is not a good option at this time. Even if a product that is listed on their site does contain the beneficial components of the cannabis plant, there is no transparency in labeling. This is because in order to list this product, the seller must exclude CBD content from the listing as it is not allowed. What this means for the consumer is that if you do a search for CBD on their site, you will find many listings that make a variety of health claims. These products, according to Amazon rules should not contain any CBD at all. So, this means the consumer is led to a product with a search for CBD, but finds something that either does not contain any at all or does not accurately disclose how much it does contain.
This unfortunately applies to searches for CBD Oil, CBD Gummies, CBD edibles, CBD creams, and all other CBD options. If you choose to purchase a product from Amazon that is “Hemp based,” please take note of the difference – Hemp vs CBD Oil – they are not the same!
For additional information about other common misconceptions about CBD and other common questions – visit our other Blog Posts.