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Common Questions About Delta-8-THC

Writer's picture: Dr. Margaret BarnettDr. Margaret Barnett

Updated: Jun 24, 2023

Common Questions About Delta-8-THC

We decided to answer some of the more common questions about delta-8-THC here.  Many of our customers and friends have inquired recently about a relatively new cannabinoid called delta-8-THC.  While this version of THC is always present in the plant, it is now being produced in significant quantities from Hemp.  Visit our store for our current Delta 8 options


Many people are familiar with the benefits of CBD.  They ingest it or use it topically in a stunning variety of ways.  There are CBD Oils, CBD Topicals, CBD Gummies, CBD water, CBD candy, CBD Vape Cartridges, smokable CBD Hemp Flower, and even CBD mints.  Many of these are Full Spectrum CBD products.  That is, they include other minor cannabinoids and the flavonoids, fatty acids, and other nutrients extracted from the plant.  Other options include Broad Spectrum CBD Oils and Topicals, which have had the THC filtered out. CBD Isolates, which contain only CBD are the final option. 

Common Questions About Delta-8-THC

Interest in the use of another cannabinoid called delta-8-THC has recently increased.  This compound occurs naturally in cannabis plants, but at very low volume.  Scientists recently discovered a way to make Delta-8-THC from CBD .   They have a closely related molecular structure.  This caused a surge in both production and use of this unique cannabinoid. 

CBD extracted from the U.S. legal version of the cannabis plant known as “Hemp” is used to create the Delta-8-THC.  It is, therefore, legal under most state laws.  CBD Retailers may offer it wherever they sell CBD.  In states with “Medical Marijuana” dispensaries, such as Florida, a dispensary license is not required to sell it.  The requirement is the same as those for selling Hemp derived CBD.  This does require a license in Florida. However, it is much less costly and easier to obtain than a dispensary license. 


One of the most common questions about delta-8-THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), aka Δ8THC, is simply – what it is?  It is one of many therapeutic cannabinoids that occur in cannabis plants. The more well-known THC, and the major psychoactive component of cannabis, is delta-9-THC. Delta-8-THC is naturally formed in the cannabis plant when delta-9 THC becomes oxidized. Some of the delta-9 is converted into an isomer with an extremely similar molecular structure. We refer to this as delta-8 THC, or Δ8THC for short.

Hemp flower contains low amounts (less than 0.1%) of  Δ8THC. However, manufacturers extract or convert it from other cannabinoids. Then they make it into a condensed form. Tinctures, gummies, and vape cartridges are then made from the distillate. There is still some mystery surrounding this lesser-known cannabinoid. This article explains what is currently known about delta-8-THC, and why it’s been gaining recent attention.


The picture here shows Delta-8-THC Distillate in bulk.  This distillate is often blended with terpenes or other cannabinoids for targeted effects.  It is then consumed in a variety of ways.  One of the most common questions about delta-8-THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), aka Δ8THC, is simply – what it is?  It is one of many therapeutic cannabinoids that occur in cannabis plants. The more well-known THC, and the major psychoactive component of cannabis, is delta-9-THC. The oxidation of delta-9 THC creates delta-8-THC. This is because delta-9 and delta-8 have very similar molecular structure. We refer to this as delta-8 THC, or Δ8THC for short.

Hemp flower contains low amounts (less than 0.1%) of  Δ8THC. However, manufacturers extract or convert it from other cannabinoids. Then they make it into a condensed form. This distillate is used to create Tinctures, gummies, and vape cartridges . There is still some mystery surrounding this lesser-known cannabinoid. This article explains the current understanding of delta-8-THC.


One of the most common questions about delta-8-THC is, “will it make me high?”  According to some users, delta 8 does have a psychoactive effect that makes them feel a mellow “high”. Other users report feeling very little or no intoxication. Yes, Delta 8 can make you high. However its intoxicating nature not as certain as those of delta-9-THC.  Delta-9 THC is the common  compound that makes users feel high from cannabis.  Growers have spent years breeding cannabis plants with ever higher quantities of delta 9.  That is, until recently when the benefits of the other compounds have become more well known.  Very low delta-9-THC is now the objective of growing hemp. This is because many people want the benefits without the high.   

Most users who report a “high” with Delta-8-THC report a milder intoxication than with delta-9-THC.  They also report a “happy” and “euphoric” high.  This feeling does not come with the paranoia some people associate with its close cousin. 

Delta-8 does bind to the CB-1 and CB-2 cannabinoid receptors in the nervous system. However, delta-8 THC reacts slightly differently than CBD and delta-9 because it has a slightly different molecular structure. Users report clear-headed, anxiolytic (anti-anxiety), pain-relieving, and non-sedative effects. Everyone’s response to each cannabinoid is different. This means that using the “start low, go slow” approach to dosing is best. This approach helps determine if delta 8 is right for an individual.


Manufacturers produce this beneficial cannabinoid in the form of a distillate. It occurs in extremely low amounts naturally.  The process for creating Delta-8-THC is commonly to convert CBD. This is because CBD is much more plentiful in the plants. After conversion, Delta-8 is a thick almost clear liquid. This whole process requires several steps, in which the plant goes through extraction, winterization and then decarboxylation.

Distillates of delta-8-THC are available in cartridges or syringes.  A standard vape pen or dab rig are used to vaporize it.  Some manufacturers are spraying the distillate on hemp flower to elevate the  Δ8THC potency level. Since distillate is technically edible, one can consume it orally. There are some delta-8-THC infused oral tinctures (for sublingual use) available as well.

People consume Delta-8-THC in many ways:

• Vaping  • Dabbing • Mixing with flower • Edibles • Sublingual use


Another one of the common questions about Delta-8-THC is about the benefits. There is limited research on delta-8-THC to date, but what there is appears to be promising. There are now multiple patents for production methods for Δ8THC concentrates. Hemp product makers produce more of these products every day. This means we will likely have much more information soon. Delta-8-THC has many potential benefits. The list below contains a few of the more notable ones.


The National Cancer Institute conducted a study in 2013. It found that delta-8 THC is one of the cannabinoids that inhibits tumor growth.  “…Delta-9-THC, delta-8-THC, and cannabinol (CBN) were found to inhibit the growth of Lewis lung cancer cells in vitro and in vivo. In addition, other tumors have been shown to be sensitive to cannabinoid-induced growth inhibition.” 


Life Sciences published a study in 1995. This study showed that delta-8-THC can reduce nausea with little to no side effects in children. Eight children, aged 3-13, received Delta-8-THC administered (18 mg/m2 in edible oil). They had various blood cancers. These children took different antineoplastic drugs for up to 8 months. They experienced no vomiting after administration. The side effects observed were negligible.

We have observed this effect first hand with several clients suffering nausea brought about by a variety of conditions. As with all supplements – if you are pregnant or nursing, please consult with your doctor prior to use.


Pharmocol Biochem published a study in 2004. It demonstrated that delta-8 THC increased appetite and brain function in mice. This was true even at extremely low doses. “Delta(8)-THC (0.001 mg/kg) caused increased food consumption and tendency to improve cognitive function, without side effects. Hence, a low dose of THC might be a potential therapeutic agent in the treatment of weight disorders. It comes with minimal side effects associated with cannabis use.”

This may be a “side-effect” that needs managing if you are already able to eat well. However, this can be a significant benefit for those that have trouble eating. This effect relates to the antiemetic property of Delta-8-THC listed above.


A 2018 study from the Cannabinoid and Cannabis Research Journal, showed potential for treating pain and inflammation with topical delta-8 THC (and CBD). “Our results provide novel evidence that the phytocannabinoids Δ8THC and CBD…are antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory in an experimental model of corneal hyperalgesia.” Antinociceptive simply means that it blocks the sensation of pain.

There is a great deal of research into the analgesic properties of both CBD and Delta 8 THC. Clients report the pain relief from CBD is more long lasting. However, the relief from delta-8-THC is more profound. What this means for many is that they use CBD on a regular basis to reduce symptoms. Then they use delta-8 on an as-needed basis for acute discomfort.


The Alcohol and Drug Research Journal conducted a study in 1987 on mice.  This study showed that delta-8 THC may possess some neuroprotective properties.  This was based on monitoring brain activity during the study. The study aimed to test various cannabinoids. However, it is interesting to note that delta-8 THC stood out for its significant effect from such a minute dosage.

Some articles and blogs claim CBD and THC have neuro-regenerative properties.  That is, that they can help regenerate nerve and brain cells.  We are unconvinced by the research to date and believe that while there may be some protective action, there is, at least so far, nothing that can regenerate brain cells once they are damaged.  


Another one of the common questions about delta-8-THC is the question of unwanted side-effects. Researchers observed few side-effects of delta-8-THC. Any noted side-effects were insignificant. This is especially true when compared to the side effects of the more common pharmaceutical alternatives. Delta-8-THC also seems to possess significantly fewer adverse effects than delta-9-THC. However, the effectiveness of delta-8 is comparable on many fronts to the more well-known delta-9.

It is important to note that Delta-8-THC is still a form of THC. Consume any cannabis product that contains high levels of any THC with caution. It is a a known psychoactive compound. You should exercise the same kinds of cautions you would with alcohol. Both can impair motor function and focus. Certainly, you should not drive when using it.

Delta-8-THC is reported to be less psychoactive than its cousin delta-9. However, users report that it is possible to take “too much” and suffer an unwanted level of impairment. As with CBD consumption, “start low and go slow.” Assess your tolerance before increasing your dose. One other effect worth noting is that delta-8-THC can cause redness of the eyes. This is most true for stronger doses.



As with ingestible CBD products, there is not a simple answer to this question.  In Florida and many other states, the answer is yes. This is because there are laws on the books protecting Hemp and all its derivatives.  However, the question of legality is murkier in states where there are not specific cannabis laws.  

This is especially true after the Drug Enforcement Administration’s rule issued on Aug. 20, 2020 regarding delta-8 THC. The rule states the DEA’s position that any synthetically produced cannabinoid is illegal. Delta-8 THC occurs naturally only in very low concentrations. There is far more CBD in the plants. Therefore, a chemical catalyst is used to convert CBD into delta-8. using a chemical catalyst. Although CBD occurs naturally in hemp, the DEA considers the resulting delta-8 THC to be “synthetically derived.” Therefore, they are calling it a Schedule I drug. 

Section 297A of the 2018 Farm Bill (the Agriculture Improvement Act), states ‘‘The term ‘hemp’ means the plant Cannabis sativa L. and any part of that plant, including the seeds thereof and all derivatives, extractscannabinoidsisomers, acids, salts, and salts of isomers, whether growing or not, with a delta9 tetrahydrocannabinol concentration of not more than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis.”


In states where all cannabis is legal, there is obviously no problem manufacturing and selling Delta-8-THC.  In Florida, the statutes are specific.  “Hemp” means the plant Cannabis sativa L. and any part 60 of that plant, including the seeds thereof, and all derivatives, 61 extracts, cannabinoids, isomers, acids, salts, and salts of 62 isomers thereof, whether growing or not, that has a total delta63 9 tetrahydrocannabinol concentration that does not exceed 0.3 64 percent on a dry-weight basis.”  You can access the full Florida statute here.

In addition to the specific laws, the State Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried, who oversees Florida’s Hemp program says that Delta-8-THC is likely here to stay.  Her direct quote is, “As long as they are following the rules regarding Delta-9 and it collectively doesn’t get us over the threshold of the 0.3, then we are not taking it off the market.”

It is important to note that even though delta-8-THC is legal to produce and sell in Florida, not all drug tests distinguish between delta-9 and delta-8 THC.  This is because they are closely related chemically.  This means using delta-8 THC can potentially (even likely) cause a person to test positive for marijuana, even if they have never consumed delta-9 THC


Until recently (and in some cases persisting) hemp was tainted by “stoner” stereotypes.  Many people now accept the truth about cannabis and its many healing benefits, beyond its ability to “get you high.” According to the DEA, “Schedule I drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.”  At Blue Lotus, we are committed to helping people find the right wellness solutions.  We are advocates of the natural and powerful benefits of the healing power of plants.  Delta-8-THC is one more tool in the kit for people looking for natural solutions.  As noted above and in many other articles and resources, there are now many medical uses for this and other cannabinoids.  When they will be “accepted” is another question entirely.  

Stay Well and thanks for reading!! Visit our store for our current Delta 8 options


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CBD and other cannabinoid products are not approved by the FDA for the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of any disease. Any statements made regarding any products sold on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. All information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or alternative to information from health care practitioners. Please consult your physician about potential interactions or other possible complications before using any product. The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act requires this notice. Use of our website and purchase of our products is for persons 21 years of age or older. We are restricted from making any claims about the efficacy of our specific CBD and cannabinoid products and other supplements to treat or cure any disease or medical conditions. You should always seek the advice of a physician before adding nutritional supplements to your diet, especially if you are taking medications or have a medical condition.

Legal Disclaimer

Live Well CBD and Holistics, LLC DBA Blue Lotus Botanicals does NOT sell or distribute ANY products that are in violation of the United States Controlled Substances Act (CSA). All products sold on this site are derived from hemp and contain 0.3% or less delta9-THC. All of our hemp derived CBD products are legal in all 50 states.

© 2023 Live Well CBD and Holistics, LLC and Blue Lotus Wellness, LLC

Delta-8 THC products are not available for shipment to the following states: Alaska Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Kentucky, Idaho, Iowa, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, New York, Nevada, North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, Washington

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