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Which CBD Do We Recommend for Discomfort?
I have been asked to recommend products countless times, both in person and online. My answer is typically a question, which leads to other questions, which leads to discussion, which leads to some suggestions, more discussion, and finally a recommendation and a choice.
The reality is that CBD products can be complex. However, there are a few things that are true of all CBD genuine, high-quality CBD products. They help about 70% of the people that try them. This is based on research and on our personal experience with customers. And, most importantly, All CBD does the same things. There are not different “types of CBD.” CBD is the same molecule no matter what it is in. What makes the difference in CBD solutions is the method of delivery, additional cannabinoids, terpenes and herbal ingredients. What this means is that CBD may be effective for a variety of conditions no matter whether it is in a gummy, softgels, tincture, or a caramel. It is our belief that in almost any product, CBD does 90-95% of the “work,” while other ingredients help push it in one direction or another.
The three things CBD has been most widely researched for are anxious feelings, chronic discomfort, and sleeplessness. Other common uses include workout recovery, skincare, and attention problems (calm and focus). There is also promising research that indicates CBD may assist with slowing the progression of neurological conditions. Many people find it may help improve their quality of life for all these reasons.
The fact that CBD is the same no matter what product it is inside of, means that many different products may be helpful for multiple complaints. That said, a formulation that targets a specific concern may yield better results than just any old CBD. Obviously, an energy formulation that contains caffeine won’t help with sleep. But a relief blend may. Likewise, sleep blends may also help relieve discomfort.
Finally, success with CBD is often driven by consumer commitment to doing a little bit of trial and error. THC solutions are even more complex, but a tremendous number of people find THC helpful as well. THC will be addressed in another blog post. This one will focus on CBD solutions.
Which CBD is the Easiest?
Consumers who need easy, convenient, and hassle-free options may just wish to try one of the below options. If some success is achieved, the solution can be fine-tuned later:
Topicals – these may work for localized joint and muscle soreness of the mild to moderate variety. They are easy and they either work quickly or not at all. Neuropathy and deep or extreme discomfort may not respond, but it is likely worth trying a sample because sometimes they do. See our article about choosing the right topical or just try this (our best seller).

Capsules – These are an easy and convenient option with no mess, or complex dosing instructions. Start with the 25mg softgels once or twice per day, increase if not effective after 3-5 days. Continue increasing until you reach an effective dose or decide they are not helping. If they help, but are not perfect, you can consider switching to a more “targeted” CBD product.
Gummies – Long a favorite of many customers, gummies are a great option. We have a few great brands, but Enjoy Hemp is the customer favorite. Start with ½ a gummy once or twice daily and increase if no effect every 3-5 days until you reach an effective dose. We have 50mg and 100mg options – start with ½ the 50mg. Choose the “effect” that most describes your primary concern. Don’t worry if you have several – CBD is all the same, it is the added ingredients that target the specific concern. For example, sleep gummies may help with sleep, but they may also help with overnight discomfort.
What is the Best CBD for Discomfort
Since the FDA does not allow medical claims about CBD, we can say that these solutions may be helpful with discomfort. Remember that all CBD may be anti-inflammatory, no matter which ingredients are in your product. Some people find a blend of CBD and CBG best for chronic discomfort, while others prefer CBD with turmeric. Nerve discomfort appears to respond better to CBDA, while muscle soreness is often reduced by added menthol, which numbs the skin and aids penetration. This means that “best” may differ depending on the type and location of the discomfort. These are some of our best “getting started” CBD products. If effective, but not perfect, let us know and we might can help you choose something else.

Joint and Muscle Discomfort:
Enjoy Hemp’s Relief Gummies – CBD, CBG with added turmeric and ginseng create a powerful anti-inflammatory blend. They are a favorite among our clients with chronic joint discomfort.
Blue Lotus Calm Oil – Spearmint oil helps this oil calm discomforts. The taste is mildly minty (like chewing gum), but if you object to a slightly bitter aftertaste or the mess of an oil, choose the gummies or capsules noted above instead.
Wildflower Relief Sticks – High in menthol and wintergreen, this salve stick leaves a deep-freezing sensation on the skin and relief starts immediately.
Nerve Related Discomfort:
CBD may sometimes be effective on nerve pain, but not always. CBDA may help a bit better than CBD alone. The advantage is that a little goes a long way. A typical CBDA dose is less than half a CBD dose. However, the disadvantage of ingestible CBDA is that it must be stored in the refrigerator. Over the course of approximately 3-6 months at room temperature, CBDA transitions into CBD. The capsules must be refrigerated as well, but the topical and gummies are shelf stable.
Sudden Onset Conditions
Some conditions may come on quickly and need rapid relief. Often THC is the best option in these cases, but when you need a solution that does not cause intoxication, CBD may assist. In these cases, the best options are the ones with the fastest absorption. Smoking or vaping provides the fastest method for getting CBD into the bloodstream. Onset of effects can take as little as a few minutes. The second fastest is water soluble CBD.
Water Soluble CBD Powder provides another rapid relief option. Mix it into any beverage. Onset is typically 15-20 minutes.
Post Workout Soreness
Read our full blog post about post workout recovery for full details. Many people find that ingesting CBD a few hours prior to working out helps prevent those muscle aches in the first place. If this is your preference, the easiest method is likely capsules, but gummies or oils work too. A 25mg to 50mg dose is perfect for most users.
For post workout quick relief – try the CBD Relief Balm By Lazarus. It comes in a convenient stick and spreads easily to cover larger areas.
Whatever is giving you aches and discomfort – CBD might help. If you need further assistance choosing the right product, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Use chat or call during business hours or send us an email at info@bluelotuswellnessandcbd.com. We always try to get back to you within 24 hours.